3D Performance
Los Animericanistas
Final Game Promo
A late-night Talk-Show live 3D animated performance for 'El Show del Güero Panchito' by Animasai of Animasai Studios.
A LIVE original animated show for fans of Club América covering soccer related topics.
This is a fun program produced by Animasai.
A final game PES 20221 league promo put together by Animasai for the Ligamx Gamer Apertura 2022.
First Completely Animated Live Night Talk Show Ever
El Show del Güero Panchito - Primer Talk Show Nocturno Completamente Animado en Vivo - Estreno - Animasai Studios.
Goal Animation
Rotoscope animation by Natzu of Animasai Studios of an incredible bicycle kick Goal of Club America's former player, Reinaldo Navia with the commentaries of Cuauhtli Man.
El Reencuentro -
Documentary Film
This animated painting mand music is by Animasai for the project "El Reencuentro" by the Mexican history researcher Miguel Gleason. The painting is from the 18th century by Ildefonso Vergaz and it shows Hernán Cortés and his Spaniard troops arriving in Tlaxcala in Mexico. Convincing the Tlaxcaltecas, he will later used them as alleys to defeat the mighty Aztec empire.
El Reencuentro -
Documentary Film
Gota Pura
Livefit Foods Video Promo For Instagram!
Great animated battle of a painting by Animasai of Animasai Studios for "El Reencuentro" documentary of Miguel Gleason (original photo of painting was taken by him). Note: this is a hardcore more explicit version of the animation, a lighter version is the one that has been approved for the documentary. Music is by Animasai. Painting is by Juan and Miguel González late 17th Century.
Motion graphics television commercial animation by Animasai with music composed, performed and recorded by him for an
African water company.
Filmed and edited by Animasai. Song: Song: San Diego w/ DJI Mavic Pro.
Incense Commercial
Research Documentary
The Vollmers
Filmed, animated and edited by Animasai with his original music composed, performed and recorded by him.
Here are some animations created by Animasai from Animasai Studios for a scientific research documentary on threatened Arctic cod fish. The music in this video was also done by Animasai.
This is the censored version of the Bradenton Beach seagulls Brian and his buddy Nick. Brian Vollmer is the lead singer of the legendary Hard Rock band Helix and the animation was done by Animasai for his reality show "The Vollmers". Please watch on HD settings!
Kitchen Battles
Original theme song written by Animasai and performed by TeeJay Aziyen with his Elujin Project band with the shouts of Luna Kitsune (Lissa). The animation is also by Animasai and Jim Macfie of Animasai Studios for the Reality Show of Sarah E Pratt Productions.